A pretty straight translation from the ruby code in the jcoglan book. This code allows you to read and write a single gitconfig file. Its a bit nasty as theres lots of string manipulation and the whole idea of a key (foo.bar.baz) being split into [foo "bar"] with a baz variable and back again is all string heavy. Also I had to create the various containers to allow for string arrays. Sections are stored in an array and a map because a map wont free the sections but a section will etc etc. ANyhoo, the smakefile creates a configreader binary that you can ignore its just a fake testharness. The real outputs are configfile.lib and configfile.h which I copied into AmigaGit. Over time we can improve or replace this code without cluttering up the AmigaGit codebase too much. Maybe building various parts of git in libs might make some encapsulation sense :-) I still have to make a makefile so this lib can build for vbcc. For the moment the VBCC build of AmigaGit is broken as VBCC doesnt like the SAS-built lib.